28 июл 2019

Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature

Раиса Пунане(Цуканова)
Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature
Видео: Prince William and Kate meet the crowd and depart from B.C. legislature