25 июл 2019

Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m

Андрей 鴿子
Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m
Видео: Nice filament eruption in the northwestern quadrant of the Sun, driving a decent coronal m