25 июл 2019

The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en

Uğur Yücel
Mel Bee
Mel Bee
Movie started out strong but then all the voiceovers and constant miming and staring meaningfully by the lovers got very annoying after almost 3 hours. Why couldn't they just tell the story straight without all these false words being attributed to two people who really lived? Pocahantas and John Smith were never lovers. She was 10 years old during the time Smith was in Virginia. The romance thing was a myth and this film behaves as though it's real. Not to mention that they couldn't even allow Farrell and Kilcher to engage in any real kisses or love scenes because she was 14 when this was filmed and he was almost 30! Why not cast someone older so you can do it right? Visually, this is a beautiful movie but the narrative (or lack thereof) was really awful. What a waste of a great story.
Mel Bee
Mel Bee
It's funny when Christian Bale's character says, "hour pass and she speaks not a word." It's like THANK YOU for mentioning it because we've just spent a three hour movie where this girl spoke not a word. Glad to see he's noticing it too! LOL
The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en
Видео: The.New.World.2005.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay-Remux.Dual.DCRG en