25 июл 2019

Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo

Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo
Видео: Wing Chun - Chi Sao fast and slow mo