Подборка: Classic 1950's - 60's Drama Films, 25 июл 2019

A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith

Classic Movies Kristine Rose
Robert Goodman
This article I read says that NO ONE ... not a single person or entity ... EVER christened "The Titanic."https://blog.addeigloriam.org/2012/04/who-christened-titanic.htmlWhy? Because she was "unsinkable." If ever there was an example of "famous last words." So the first few moments of the film are patently false.
Nothing is unsinkable or eternal but one and they were so confident that they had built perfection in a ship but like computers you are only as good as the operator and I think I read they wanted to set a new record and did not heed warnings. Recipe for disaster but what a terrible death to those that were sucked down into the water or froze to death.
Imre Jóni
Hogy a fenébe tudják az oroszok az ilyen régi filmeket HD-ba ,sőt Full HD és akár még Ultra HD-ba is megcsinálni?
A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith
Видео: A Night To Remember 1958 HD -Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, Laurence Naismith